There’s only so much time in a day. When you’re busy putting your client’s needs first, sometimes yours get pushed to the back-burner. However, it’s important you continue to take care of yourself and set aside time for exercise. The human body was not built for a sedentary existence.
But you work in the legal world! Sometimes you barely have time to breathe, much less get to the gym. Luckily, there’s an exercise where no special equipment is needed and it’s free—and just 30 minutes a day can make a major difference in your health. It’s the simple act of walking. A daily walk is overflowing with health benefits, both physical and mental. Take this blog post as your sign to incorporate one into your routine!

Build muscle. This might be the most obvious tip, but it’s worth mentioning. Walking can help you lose a little weight while building endurance and strength in your bones, muscles, and joints. If you regularly suffer from back or joint pain, you might find that walking will help alleviate the pain. Movement will allow more oxygen and nutrients to flow through your body, leaving you feeling better. Don’t forget to stretch before and after your walk in order to truly maximize it and avoid strains!
Boost immunity. As a lawyer, you can’t always afford to call out sick. That means you’ve got to stay on top of your health. Daily walks not only boost your immunity, but will leave you with milder symptoms if you do happen to get sick. If taking a sick day is out of the question, put aside a little time each day for your walk. It might just save you time in the future!
Improve mental health. Mental health is a constant topic of conversation in the legal world. Exercise releases endorphins, which leave you feeling good. Thanks to this, getting your walk in can reduce stress and anxiety, and even fight depression. The fresh air and sunshine double as a natural mood-booster. Lastly, a walk can help clear your head and keep you sharp.

Aid sleep. We always sleep better after exercising. This is because exercise releases hormones such as serotonin, which aids your sleep and boosts your mood. If you find yourself plagued by sleepless nights, a daily walk might be of assistance.
Fight disease. Did you know that walking can reduce your risk of heart disease? A brisk walk gets the heart pumping and blood circulating. And that’s just the top of the list. Walking also lowers your cholesterol and reduces your risk of certain cancers, stroke, diabetes, and chronic ailments. It's a great investment for your long-term health.
Speed up digestion. Some say it’s best to go on a short walk right after a meal to aid your digestive system. Movement stimulates your stomach and keeps things moving through your intestines. This will help you feel less bloated and more energetic. It can also lower your blood sugar levels, help reduce your sugar cravings, and distract you from your dessert stomach (if you’re like me and always find yourself craving something sweet post-meal).

If it’s tough to find time for a daily walk, try to work it into your routine. Park your car farther away from the courthouse or your firm. Opt to take the stairs over the elevator if you can. Aim for at least 30 minutes each day, but if you find that a struggle, try to build up to it.
Make your daily walk something you can really look forward to. Soak in the nature, bring along a designated walking buddy, create a playlist of your favorite music, or download an app that turns walking into an adventure!