On-Demand Video

Deposition Control 2021

  • City:
  • Start Date:2021-12-08 19:00:00
  • End Date:2024-06-29 20:00:00
  • Length:
  • Level:Intermediate
  • Topics:Litigation

$349.00 ProPass

[{"jurisdiction":"Supreme Court of Delaware Commission on Continuing Legal Education","status":"Self Apply","state":"Delaware","credits":"","expiration_date":"December 8, 2022","speciality_credit":[{"category":"Ethics and Professional Responsibility","state_category":"Enhanced Ethics","credit":"1.0"},{"category":"General","state_category":"General","credit":"4.75"}]},{"jurisdiction":"Virginia State Bar","status":"Self Apply","state":"Virginia","credits":"","expiration_date":"October 31, 2022","speciality_credit":[{"category":"Ethics and Professional Responsibility","state_category":"Legal Ethics and Professionalism","credit":"1.0"},{"category":"General","state_category":"General","credit":"5.0"}]},{"jurisdiction":"Supreme Court of New Jersey Board on Continuing Legal Education","status":"Reciprocity ","state":"New Jersey","credits":"","expiration_date":"December 8, 2024","speciality_credit":[{"category":"Ethics and Professional Responsibility","state_category":"Ethics and Professionalism","credit":"1.2"},{"category":"General","state_category":"General","credit":"5.9"}]},{"jurisdiction":"The Florida Bar","status":"Self Apply","state":"Florida","credits":"","expiration_date":"June 8, 2023","speciality_credit":[{"category":"General","state_category":"General","credit":"6.0"},{"category":"Ethics and Professional Responsibility","state_category":"Ethics","credit":"1.0"}]},{"jurisdiction":"New York CLE Board","status":"Approved","state":"New York","credits":"","expiration_date":"December 8, 2024","speciality_credit":[{"category":"Ethics and Professional Responsibility","state_category":"Ethics and Professionalism","credit":"1.0"},{"category":"General","state_category":"Areas of Professional Practice","credit":"5.5"}]},{"jurisdiction":"Supreme Court of Ohio","status":"Credit not available","state":"Ohio","credits":"","expiration_date":"December 31, 2021","speciality_credit":[{"category":"Ethics and Professional Responsibility","state_category":"Attorney Professional Conduct","credit":"0.0"},{"category":"General","state_category":"General","credit":"0.0"}]},{"jurisdiction":"West Virginia State Bar Continuing Legal Education Commission","status":"Credit not available","state":"West Virginia","credits":"","expiration_date":"December 8, 2024","speciality_credit":[{"category":"Ethics and Professional Responsibility","state_category":"Ethics","credit":"0.0"},{"category":"General","state_category":"General","credit":"0.0"}]},{"jurisdiction":"Pennsylvania Continuing Legal Education Board","status":"Approved","state":"Pennsylvania","credits":"","expiration_date":"December 8, 2026","speciality_credit":[{"category":"General","state_category":"General","credit":"5.0"},{"category":"Ethics and Professional Responsibility","state_category":"Ethics","credit":"1.0"}]}]
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Becoming the Authority and Controlling the Conversation

Whether you are seeking information, an admission, or defending your client, your control of a deposition is critical to case success. Sybil Dunlop summons her varied experiences as a successful trial lawyer and marries them with her remarkable teaching talent and excitement for the practice of law to deliver a unique experience.

Both the novice and experienced will benefit from Sybil’s perspective on the art and science of depositions. She will not present dictates, but will illuminate tactics and styles, to help you fashion or improve your own approach. She will work with you to develop a deposition persona that is uniquely personal and unquestionably successful!

Program Schedule:

Preparing Your Witness to Succeed

“Best practices” for preparing your witness include the use of documents during preparation and the latest research to help your witness feel comfortable and perform at his or her best.

Drafting and using outlines

While you never want to be tied to your outline, advance preparation allows you the flexibility to move beyond the outline in a deposition. We’ll review several outline templates to identify the styles that will work best in different circumstances.

Taking and Defending Depositions

Whether conducting a discovery deposition, a trial deposition, a hybrid or defending your own witness, the fundamentals are crucial. Beyond those basics, though, Sybil provides tips and tricks to elevate your performance.

Effective Objections

When defending a deposition, the objection is your primary tool. This section covers everything – from teaching your witness about depositions to effectively using them to preserve your record.

Expert Depositions

The expert has likely been deposed before – explore special considerations for expert depositions including how to set up a Daubert motion, your trial cross-examination or even increase your chances of settlement.

Identifying your Deposition Style

Playing to your own strengths will help you achieve your deposition objectives (and feel comfortable while doing so). Identify your own deposition style by examining a showcase of various, successful models.

Deposition Technology

The court reporter is an officer of the court. Your ethical interaction with the reporter as well as the proper use of technology, including video, Realtime, and electronic exhibits increase your likelihood of a successful deposition.

Ethical Pitfalls to Avoid

When there is a transcript, there is room for error. This section reviews recent case law providing deposition guidance and offers advice for avoiding ethical missteps.

Tuition includes a digital copy of the speaker’s materials. Course materials are not available for separate purchase.

Recorded in December 2021.


Sybil Dunlop, Esq.

Sybil is a passionate and uncommonly persuasive advocate who helps clients resolve commercial and intellectual property disputes. Her litigation practice affords her substantial first-chair trial and arbitration experience. Sources share that “she is brilliant, responsive and seeks to understand business objectives” as well as a “go-to solution for complex disputes.” (Chambers USA, 2022 and 2024). Minnesota Lawyer has recognized her three times as “Attorney of the Year.” Bringing her skills to bear, Sybil successfully leads teams in litigations around the country and she has taken and defended hundreds of depositions. She is also an experienced and well-reviewed instructor, teaching courses on litigation tactics, depositions, legal writing, and trial strategy to audiences around the country. Audiences applaud her “passion and enthusiasm for mastery” and share that she provides the “the perfect balance of general information while also going into nuanced issues for more experienced practitioners.”

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